NAVEE-PS 400gms

Shrimp cultured in ponds are exposed to stressful conditions, because of various factors like sludge accumulation, organic load in soil as DOC of pond advances results disease
causing pathogens from soil bottom.


Shrimp cultured in ponds are exposed to stressful conditions, because of various factors like sludge accumulation, organic load in soil as DOC of pond advances results disease
causing pathogens from soil bottom.

Indications for use/ Key benefits:
removing black soil and hydrogen sulfide through anaerobic
decomposition of organic matter.
Composition: Bacillus Subtilis, Rhodobacter and Rhodococcus. NAVEE-PS improves & freshen bottom soil condition by
NAVEE-PS has competitive antagonism effect against pathogenic bacteria that works even in low DO conditions NAVEE-PS Reduces build-up of toxic gases in the pond
bottom & feeding area. NAVEE-PS effectively controls water turbidity and improves water color of pond.
NAVEE-PS Improves feeding activity, thereby reduces FCR during times of higher DOC.
NAVEE-PS can be used as feed supplement enhancing shrimp gut health. NAVEE-PS manufactured

Method of application/ Directions for use:
Mix NAVEE-PS solution with sand and apply throughout pond so that can reach fastly pond bottom.
Dosage: 5 Litres solution/ acre that is prepared from 1 par (400 gm 200 gm + 200 ml) of NAVEE-PS at rege intervals once in 10 days or 10 Litres solution/ acre the prepared from 2 packets (800 gm = 400 gm + 400 ml NAVEE-PS during the time of black soil & H,S in pond.
In Feed: Prepared NAVEE-PS solution of 5 ml/1 Kg of feed Application Time: 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm during sun light tin Warning: Dosage and application must be adjus depending upon the pond conditions on the advice
aquaculture consultant/technical person.
Contraindications: NAVEE-PS has no contraindications Disclaimer: For unintended consequences/ losses, if any use of this product due to water quality, presence or use other materials, manufacturer is not responsible. Storage: Do not freeze, store in cool, dry & dark place a keep away from sunlight.
Net Weight: 400 gm
(200 gm of powder PACK-A & 200 ml of concentrated liquid PACK )

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